Garrett's Feedback Thoughts

One of the articles that I really enjoyed was "Seven Ways to Crush Self-doubt". In the age of social media, we are constantly checking our accounts in order to receive validation about our lives. Consequently, we often compare ourselves to others through social media. I feel that this is really important not to do, and really like the authors take on self-doubt as a whole. Here is the link if you want to check it out: Article
Cat meme: Source

The next article that I really enjoyed was "Why rejection hurts so much — and what to do about it" by Guy Winch. Rejection is something that everyone deals with regardless of who you are. Winch also mentioned how we are social beings and how social media plays into the role of rejection. In relation to doubt, we crave social interaction and therefore result to social media. As mentioned above, this usually ends us leading us worse off than we initially were. Link: Here

I really enjoy reading articles like this and suggest to anyone else who does to watch some of the other TedxTalks about confidence. Here is one that I really like Tedxtalk . It is always important to reflect on yourself and I feel that these give great ideas on how to do that and become the best person you can possibly be!



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