Reading Notes: Noah's Sons (Genesis)

Noah and His Sons: Source

Story source: The King James Bible (1611), Genesis 8-9
Reading Notes: 
This is after the story "After The Flood" - See here for context

After the flood, God told Noah and his sons (Shem, Ham, and Japheth) to be fruitful and replenish the earth in order to replenish after the flood because everyone else was killed by it. Important to also note that Ham had a son named Canaan. Noah married a wife and created a wine vineyard, which he drank from and became drunk. The story also mentions he was naked inside of his tent. Ham, saw that his father was naked and told his brothers. They went at him backwards and covered him with cloth. Whenever Noah woke from being drunk, he knew that they had covered him with cloth. Basically after this, Noah was upset with Ham, and then cursed Ham's son. 

The story didn't specifically state what Ham did to Noah, but it obviously was something bad. This would be something good to include in the storytelling. It is also important to note and remember that Ham's son is Canaan, who was the one who Noah actually cursed. I think it would be a good idea to add more dialogue inside this part to clarify what actually went on. 

Lastly, this is important for the whole context of this chapter because this mentions Noah's death after nine hundred and fifty years of life. This would be another good part to expand on and could make the story significantly more interesting if done correctly. 


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