Reading Notes: Coyote and the Mexicans

Coyote: Source
Coyotes in Miwok Mythology link: Source

Reading Notes: 
  • People caught a coyote for lying
  • They took him to California to be judged
  • He turned himself into a girl and bit the judge when he opened the bag
  • The judge ran away and coyote took all his money and put it in a tree 
  • Coyote came to where a mexican lived and so did a dog
  • He asked why the dog was poor and dog said because his owner treated him badly
  • Coyote said he would make them treat him well and took a hen for the dog to retrieve
  • The Mexican then treated the dog well but left for a dance
  • Coyote returned and convinced dog to drink the man's whiskey 
  • Coyote became drunk and howled and defacated on clothes
  • They say this is why girls dresses are spotted 
  • Coyote putting money in a tree is why apples are sold for money
  • Dog is treated bad again and driven away because of the coyote

Story source: Jicarilla Apache Texts Coyote and the Mexicans edited by Pliny Earle Goddard (1911).


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