Reading Notes: Coyote Secures Fire

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Coyote Picture: Source
*Hoop game referred to is an Apache game

- Fireflies were playing a hoop game with otters and coyote was trying to find a way down
- Children wouldn't tell him trail down mountain, so he brought back berries and they did
- Coyote got bark and went to play hoop game
- They were betting skins and said he would cry if he lost his skin 
- Coyote lost and his fur was gone, but he got some of it back in badger hole
- That night he takes the cedar bark and ties it to his tail and purposely catches it on fire
- He runs away as they are all chasing him, bttt gets back to his den 

- Story about deception

Might be good in a business setting (The office maybe? )

Jicarilla Apache Texts: Coyote Secures Fire edited by Pliny Earle Goddard (1911).


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