Reading Notes: The Young Beowulf

Image result for young beowulf
Beowulf: Source
Reading Notes: 
  • He was much stronger than all the other youths
  • His mother and father gave him up due to his extreme abilities
  • As he grew into manhood he became so strong that he became clumsy
  • His peers nicknamed him the " The Silent"
  • But in secret they actually were jealous of him
  • Beowulf and another had a swimming race and Beowulf won
  • When he reached manhood, he was invited to the king's feast, where people from all over gathered to partake in events
  • It was very loud at the event, except for those of the north
  • There was a big dog that made everyone quiet by its bark
  • Beowulf sat in the dining hall among the king's most trusted and successful people
  • Other people were jealous that he was among this table
  • Beowulf wanted bigger battles 
Notice how descriptive the writing is and try to reciprocate

Story source: The Story of Beowulf The Young Beowulf by Strafford Riggs with illustrations by Henry Pitz (1933).


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